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My primary areas of expertise are in the multidisciplinary field of interpersonal neurobiology and attachment science. The field of interpersonal neurobiology integrates concepts based in psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience and other fields of science to understand human development, behavior, and relationships. In addition to my private practice, I am a Licensed Therapist at the Center for Connection, a faculty member of the Reiss-Davis Child Study Center Fellowship where I teach neurobiology and attachment science, a member of the American Association of Couples and Sex Therapists (AACAST) and an Advisory Board member of Lifespan Learning Institute. 


​A Los Angeles native, I earned my B.S. in Psychobiology and Neuroscience from UCLA in 2002.  My studies in these fields served as the foundation for my future graduate studies in the field of clinical psychology. While at UCLA I gained a variety of research experience in their world renowned laboratories. My research experience included studying the neurophysiological aspects of neurodegenerative diseases and exploring the use of novel treatment approaches. Additionally, my work at the UCLA Childhood Anxiety Clinic involved exploring the etiology of and treatment approaches for anxiety in children. After matriculating from UCLA, I completed my graduate studies earning a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Los Angeles. I completed my Post-Doctoral Fellowship in psychoeducational diagnostic evaluations at the Reiss-Davis Child Study Center where we trained in providing comprehensive evaluations of learning disorders, psychological disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), neuropsychological assessment, academic achievement and Autism Spectrum Disorder.


During my graduate studies I had a life-changing opportunity of studying interpersonal neurobiology with child psychiatrist, educator, and author, Daniel Siegel, M.D. I found this field of study aligned perfectly with my philosophy and interests as interpersonal neurobiology marries psychology, neuroscience, physiology and physics as well as many other areas of science. My studies with Dr. Siegel inspired my dissertation "Examining the Relationship Between Adult Attachment Style and Mindfulness Traits." Dr. Siegel's work and teachings continue to provide me with inspiration professionally, personally, and as a parent. I have also had the privilege of attending Dr. Allan Schore's bimonthly study group where we closely and carefully examined the latest research in the fields of interpersonal neurobiology, psychology, neuropsychology, neuroscience, and psychoanalysis. Dr. Schore's books have received acclaim from clinicians and researchers around the world. His conceptualization of affect regulation has greatly influenced my work as a clinician and has allowed me to gain a more profound understanding of myself.


I have also had the honor of training with Dr. Carol George, one of the founders and leaders in the field of attachment theory. I was trained by Dr. George in the administration and evaluation of the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System (AAP). The AAP helps identify attachment strategies to help us gain more insight about the strategies we use to help us regulate arousal and reflect on our attachment-based experiences. We are also able to explore how these strategies are working for us in our current context. I have found the AAP to be the most meaningful assessment I have used in my clinical practice.


​My clinical training included work with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and groups. I am certified as a couples and sex therapist by AACAST.  I have also completed a Fellowship in Infant/Child-Parent Mental Health led by luminaries in the field including Drs. Bruce Perry and Kristie Brandt. Additionally, I have completed certificate training in Perinatal Mental Health through Postpartum Support International (PSI). I am also a Registered Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator. I have also completed extensive training in the treatment of trauma studying with leaders in the field of trauma including Peter Levine, Pat Ogden and Bessel van der Kolk. I approach trauma primarily from a somatic-based, bottom-up process thus use Trauma Informed Yoga and techniques from Somatic Experiencing to help people in the integration and resolution of trauma. 


Social justice, equality, somatic abolitionism and representation also play a large role in my life. I have attended numerous trainings in these areas including Yoga and Social Justice. Please see the resources section for recommended readings and podcasts. 


​I am an equestrian and animal advocate. My life as an equestrian began in beautiful Topanga Canyon when I was eight years old. In high school, I began training horses, competing, and teaching riding lessons to students of all ages. The horses and students taught me many valuable lessons in learning, compassion, and the power of collaboration. I plan on incorporating equine assisted therapy into my practice in the near future as horses are highly intuitive and sensitive, thus a tremendous aid to the healing process. Furthermore, as an experienced competitor, I often help athletes and other competitors with performance related anxiety.  


When I'm not at work, I cherish the time I spend with my son, husband and our five four-legged family members. 


I am a current member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Association of Couples and Sex Therapists (AACAST).


Please click for my CV: 



I am a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice, providing individual, couples and family psychotherapy to adolescents and adults.


Fellowships and Certifications

Couples and Sex Therapy

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Psychoeducational and Neuropsychological Assessment

Fellowship in Infant/Child-Parent Mental Health

Perinatal Mental Health

Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator

Adult Attachment Projective Picture System (AAP)

Newborn Behavioral Observation (NBO)

NCAST Feeding Scale

Trauma Informed Yoga Modules 1 & 2

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